Gigi Hadid’s skincare routine is simple, affordable and effective. If you don’t believe us, just keep reading. But keep one thing in mind. It is more than just skincare products. There are lifestyle rituals that give a holistic approach to your skin.

Her Morning Skincare Routine

1. Cleanser

“While I was pregnant, I really moved towards really clean products, natural, so I used a brand called Oliveda. It’s just olive extract. They have everything from cleanser to moisturizer to oils.”

2. Moisturizer

“Now I have moved into kind of my winter routine, which really for me is about a thicker moisturizer because my skin gets so dry. My skin’s always dry. This is the moisturizer that I just started using. I’m really loving it.”

3. Face Oil

“This is Odacité. This is the [serum for] very, very dry skin… I go through this quickly.”

4. Lip/Skin Balm

“Another thing I like to do with my moisturizing and my skincare before I start makeup is to moisturize my lips. When you moisturize your lips in the beginning, then it can kind of sit on your lips through your routine, so that when you get to lipstick at the end, it’s sat for a bit. This is called the 101 Ointment, but it’s for everything. I think all-purpose ointments are great. You can put it on your lips, then I dab it where my skin feels dry—sometimes on the tip of my nose. And also I find that right where my eyebrows are, where they start, gets really dry. I don’t know why. But I like to sometimes dab it there because I just think that eyebrow product, like pencil and stuff, goes on better. So sometimes I do that.”

“Then, after I do all my makeup, if it starts feeling a little dry or flat, I will use this Epicuren Protein Mist Enzyme Toner to make my skin look fresher and break it up a little bit.”

Evening Skincare Routine

“The Garnier micellar cleansing wipes are great for removing that first layer of makeup and come in really handy when I’m travelling.”

“Whenever I’m working a lot or I’m wearing a lot of makeup or I’m coming from a shoot, I use Cetaphil because I just feel like it really cleans my skin.”

3. Spot Treatment

“A strange thing that I do, which my mom taught me, is I put toothpaste on spots at night, and it dries it out. I might get in trouble for saying that, but that’s what I do. I don’t use anything fancy when I get a pimple. And I never use the same toothpaste for long because I get bored. So I’ll do peppermint and then one month I’ll do cinnamon. I’m creative.”


“I usually eat breakfast or have coffee before I do anything…. I drink orange juice and coffee always. At home I love scrambled eggs and toast; it’s just an easy go-to. My boyfriend, being British, got me into breakfast beans, so that’s what I’ve been eating lately. My personal motto is, ‘Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane,’ so if I’m in the mood I’ll go to JG Melon in the West Village [for lunch]. There used to be an Emack & Bolio’s on Houston Street, which is my favourite ice-cream place—I love the Grasshopper Pie—and I would walk past it on my way to the gym every day, but one day it was closed and I almost cried. Now I’ll just Postmate pints of it to my apartment. If I’m going out, I like to go for dinner and drinks with friends. I love Bond Street for sushi.”


Gotham Gym: “I only box. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane. I can’t just go to the gym and run. I’d rather die. I played volleyball and rode horses my entire life, so just like moving to a city and having to go the gym was just like so weird for me. And boxing was the first thing where I felt like I wanted to go the gym and get better at it and like improve. It’s kind of like all the guys there are my big brothers, and yesterday, I just went and lay on the floor and talked to them while they were training everyone. My trainer, Rob Piela, is one of my best friends. If I get tired, I’ll just hit him and lie on the floor and talk.”


“I’ve learned very quickly to fall asleep wherever I can. I sleep in the car from event to event or show to show sometimes.”


“I’m not a pro, I’m only in my coming on fourth month of new momhood, but I would just say that we should all try to focus on taking time for ourselves. I know that sometimes I’m not washing my face these days, I don’t brush my hair for a few days. So I just want to remind those of you watching that this is not how I look every day. Sometimes I go a week without touching makeup, or you know, just putting on deodorant is like, we’re doing great. So just remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can, you’re doing amazing, and to just give yourself grace. And if you brushed your hair this week, I’m really proud of you.”